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VR Day out slapping Rot and killing streamers. FT DF


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As always started our pk trip  in the early GMT  making sure everyone who did not belong in our wilderness was eliminated out. After quickly deleting few small pking groups wildy was completely empty of pkers so we just started mascaraing all the PVMERS for bank. Each member made over 15M each clearing every single world for next 5 hours. Than we noticed the gay boys  was trying to pk in our wilderness, we were not going to have any of that gayness in our wildy so we hopped in DF world clearing them off the map. Also  ran into small Brazilian team that kept trying to fight us but eventually got cleared out each time after 5 attempts they gave up pking. By time we finished with the brazilians the biggest brazilian of all,  33 year old adult male massed up his stable to come hit us.  Rot logged in right into our barrage clumps deleting them each time. After expecting a long fun day out with rot they finished their trip after an hour and called it a day going back to twitter. After everything was cleared we hunted that bowl cut streamer Mr No sleep for a bit and than called it a day.  Good job to all V2R niggas stay active.













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Harry B0tter

"After expecting a long fun day out with rot they finished their trip after an hour and called it a day going back to twitter."


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