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VR - Saturday 13th July Ft DF

Rj Deathlord

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Rj Deathlord




Clan Chat: VR_Clanchat

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Went out on a pk around 2pm GMT, had 20 of the finest GMT players owning the wilderness, cleared AE/DK a few times and not many other clans were out so we just swept the worlds for a few hours for various plus ones from retards and bank loot for every man involved.

Turned to about 7:30pm GMT, few of us chilling decided we'd go pk. Had 10 men hopping around cleared a few smaller teams and then DF rushed us with 25. We threw a highlight up, gained to similar numbers and had a fine scrap for around 40 mins, started getting on top the past 10 mins with DF nearly cleared of the map in our barrage piles. Rot eventually logged in so both clans peaced out with nobody dieing. 

Fine day of action for the V2R. PRIDE PASSION BELIEF











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