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  1. Yesterday
  2. Erika.


  3. Kgb96


    Long time no talk, my dudes! Add me in game NvrBrokeAgn
  4. Last week
  5. jerminator12

    If anyone still plays

    What world do ya hang out on
  6. jerminator12

    Happy New Year to all

    And are there any OG's here
  7. Tyler

    12/01/2025 ~ Violent Resolution vs APC - CWA - [2-0]

    Thanks for the Fight pals!
  8. Mav

    12/01/2025 ~ Violent Resolution vs APC - CWA - [2-0]

    GF, thanks for the fight APC
  9. Twitter: @OSRS_VR VR Discord: http://discord.gg/vr-rs Set up a fight with APC in CWA, 55 def cap but with +1's. First time we done CWA in a while and one of the first times APC have done it also. Respect for the action and gj VR.
  10. 45chris2

    2025 - Week 1 (Jan 1st to Jan 7th) ~ Active Service Unit

    Good shit 🔥🔥
  11. Twitter: @OSRS_VR VR Discord: http://discord.gg/vr-rs Spent the first week of 2025 doing what VR does. PKing all day, clearing enemies, fighting all and making loot. A selection of KDR pics, fight pics & loot pics. VR FOREVER IF for Korasi TY!
  12. Earlier
  13. Killaonduty


    Yoooooooooooooo I havent been here in so long, glad everythings still cooking and popping off I miss everyone best of wishes 2 everyone. VR 4 lyfe And wassup Viper! I was part of Awaken if anyone remembers lol.
  14. Bennett


    EZ 4 VR
  15. Evizu


    Twitter: @OSRS_VR VR Discord: http://discord.gg/vr-rs
  16. Arcangel IX


    Ez win
  17. iSfrz


    Fuck yeah
  18. Bennett


    EZ 4 VR
  19. Evizu


    Twitter: @OSRS_VR VR Discord: http://discord.gg/vr-rs Some kills from the past week flushing caves!
  20. GG-

    W.C. 21/10/2024 - 27/10/2024 ~ PK TRIPS

    Lowkey this week pk has been profitable af. We made juice… it’s like there’s no one else pking in wildy
  21. GG-

    W.C. 21/10/2024 - 27/10/2024 ~ PK TRIPS

    Pls don’t touch me diddy
  22. Twitter: @OSRS_VR VR Discord: http://discord.gg/vr-rs Some of our PKs over the past week as we continue to plunder the wilderness daily!
  23. Sparze

    VR's Monday Morning - Oct 21

    give me moniii
  24. Mike-Cera

    VR's Monday Morning - Oct 21

    Twitter: @OSRS_VR VR Discord: http://discord.gg/vr-rs Had the men on so decided to send a trip Ran into Head Bang Gang, itsjoshie's team and some IF taking IF for a juicy AGS. Overall bank loot and slaughtered everything.
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