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  4. Evizu

    Discord Bits

  5. Bennett

    02/07/2024 ~ VR SMOKING WANNA BE CLAN IF

  6. Lmaooo no way you’re in his clan too? someone needs to make a video clipping him raging every time his team gets cleared. I mute and laugh every fucking time
  7. Mav

    02/07/2024 ~ VR SMOKING WANNA BE CLAN IF

    yo rend why are 3 of ur best members me lmfao
  8. Mav

    02/07/2024 ~ VR SMOKING WANNA BE CLAN IF

    btw rendual why am i in ur cc on 3 accounts lmfao
  9. Mav

    02/07/2024 ~ VR SMOKING WANNA BE CLAN IF

  10. Twitter: @OSRS_VR VR Discord: http://discord.gg/vr-rs VR did what we do, just pked all day. Smoked everyone and everything. We (by chance😆) came in contact with WBR (IF). They thought they could do somethin so they massed up and rushed us with their 7 people (BTW RENDUAL. IM IN UR CLAN LMFAO). I was actually listening to him cry for help while they got cleared in game. It was a ton of fun. VR took them for a Korasi, Staff, and AGS. I guess your cries for help aren't echoed to RODs discord like they are to me from 5+ of your members. Don't forget, I'm also in your clan. Either way, was a good day of ownage. Lots of fun, lots of clearing open CCs (IF/WBR), Your cries to Rod aren't heard. They can't save you. Cry more for everyone to return in staff barrage to "hold us off". Victim. An
  11. Twitter: @OSRS_VR VR Discord: http://discord.gg/vr-rs We were on our daily PK, before running in to CK who we took for some big keys. After bullying them on a few worlds, they linked with ROT/IF to try set us up. We baited CK into fighting us again, with ROT/IF rushing us almost immediately. Knowing this was coming, we had prepared an ambush of our own! With help from CL 🤝, we started smashing them, as they either died or teled in embarassment! VIDEO BELOW. i2cf9n.mp4
  12. Mav

    19/06/2024 ~ PK TRIP

    Another ez day
  13. Evizu

    19/06/2024 ~ PK TRIP

    Twitter: @OSRS_VR VR Discord: http://discord.gg/vr-rs
  14. Evizu

    15-16/06/2024 ~ PK TRIPs

    Twitter: @OSRS_VR VR Discord: http://discord.gg/vr-rs
  15. Suubs

    13/06/2024 ~ Daily Feast & Bullying Anti VR

    Rendrool on mine coc
  16. Suubs

    11/06/2024 ~ PK TRIP - 500m+

    Opps in da spliff
  17. Suubs

    12/06/2024 ~ PK TRIP

    Yum yum niggeR
  18. Joy

    13/06/2024 ~ Daily Feast & Bullying Anti VR

    wankers ty for ur coins lol!
  19. Joy

    13/06/2024 ~ Daily Feast & Bullying Anti VR

    wpm of a 234 is my guess
  20. Joy

    13/06/2024 ~ Daily Feast & Bullying Anti VR

    how quick do u think rendual typed a message to rot?
  21. Twitter: @OSRS_VR VR Discord: http://discord.gg/vr-rs Pked all day as usual, found some juicy masses and made stank, Farmed TOK? and IF over and over and made them beg for help. Easy for V2R KDR from early trip only. Another 300m+ day
  22. Alicea

    11/06/2024 ~ PK TRIP - 500m+

  23. Rj Deathlord

    12/06/2024 ~ PK TRIP

    Twitter: @OSRS_VR VR Discord: http://discord.gg/vr-rs Later GMT/EST Pre-Update AEST: Post-Update GMT:
  24. Mav

    11/06/2024 ~ PK TRIP - 500m+

    pked free today
  25. Sparze

    11/06/2024 ~ PK TRIP - 500m+

  26. Mike-Cera

    11/06/2024 ~ PK TRIP - 500m+

    bank loot
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