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  1. Yesterday
  2. 07altar

    17 YEARS VR

    Immortal VR Warriors πŸ’ͺ😎
  3. 07altar

    31/05/2024 ~ All Day feasting - ft WBR for 35m

    Strong πŸ’ͺ already sold the voidwaker gem and bought 50+ pk sets and suplies for it
  4. Last week
  5. Suubs

    31/05/2024 ~ All Day feasting - ft WBR for 35m

    Thanks for claw, currently wielding them right now
  6. Twitter: @OSRS_VR VR Discord: http://discord.gg/vr-rs KDR missed first 2hrs of trip where we pked another set of claws and killed wbr bot for 35m. Another 300m+ day for V2R
  7. Suubs

    30/05/2024 ~ Raining +1's / ending rot v3

    I’m going str8 to the bank
  8. Bennett

    30/05/2024 ~ Raining +1's / ending rot v3

    V2R baby
  9. Rj Deathlord

    30/05/2024 ~ Raining +1's / ending rot v3

    Twitter: @OSRS_VR VR Discord: http://discord.gg/vr-rs As usual, VR pked all day and there was a lot of random noobs out as we pked many +1s, including two sets of dragonic claws. After about 4 hours of pking rot v3 finally massed up and attempted to compete the widlerness, we got into ballista and one banged there members over and over and they ended after 30 mins lol. Bullied some IF+minions also and continued our pk. Most active, most hated clan in the game. V2R Not even the largest alliance in RS history (rot+if+ph+vh+dr+sc+latinwild+wm+eliop+mogtime total of over 3,000 members) can stop the machine that is VR pking and feasting daily https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1223635480436936704/1245483886411255940/gang.mp4?ex=665ae502&is=66599382&hm=d14745f23812079682b747cb7ff87cc77023411c49d65febc19289dd506f73a9&
  10. G E O I D E

    28/05/2024 ~ PK TRIP

  11. Suubs

    28/05/2024 ~ PK TRIP

    I thought we were in a crash war lmfao where the fuck are the enemies !locenemies
  12. Rj Deathlord

    28/05/2024 ~ PK TRIP

    Twitter: @OSRS_VR VR Discord: http://discord.gg/vr-rs Unconsted Feasting all day, 300m pked no sign of enemies.
  13. Luxx

    26/05/2024 ~ PK TRIP - MOSTLY WBR BOTS

    Free as fk.
  14. Suubs

    26/05/2024 ~ PK TRIP - MOSTLY WBR BOTS

    Dem niggas don’t want the smoke πŸ’¨
  15. AAQ

    26/05/2024 ~ PK TRIP - MOSTLY WBR BOTS

    ez for VR
  16. AAQ

    26/05/2024 ~ PK TRIP - MOSTLY WBR BOTS

    tyvm for loot
  17. Mav

    26/05/2024 ~ PK TRIP - MOSTLY WBR BOTS

    btw was ez and free
  18. Twitter: @OSRS_VR VR Discord: http://discord.gg/vr-rs Afternoon of killing WBR bots and a few teams good action, GF to all teams who we engaged with!!
  19. Earlier
  20. Suubs

    24/05/2024 ~ Daily Activities

    Damn the opposition are really stinky!
  21. Suubs

    25/05/2024 ~ Flushing ft Rendrools Bots

    Btw rendrool why the heck do you sound like that (sorry if actually disabled irl)
  22. Suubs

    25/05/2024 ~ Flushing ft Rendrools Bots

    Imo ngl tbh infriction should just close (again)
  23. Twitter: @OSRS_VR VR Discord: http://discord.gg/vr-rs We sent a little pickering trip and kept killing pvmers and Rendrools bots. Infection tried logging in to help their leaders bots to end up completely failing and dying to the mighty VR.
  24. Bennett

    24/05/2024 ~ Daily Activities

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