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Taliban vs The Alliance.


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Clan Chat: Taliban_forces

Twitter: @LoveAllah
Taliban Discord: http://discord.gg/taliban

After a long two decades of fighting the war has concluded with The Taliban forces being victorious over The Allied forces.

Like many great battles seen in the past the fight was won majority on the ground with the first few being a absolute blood bath both sides suffered significant casualties, a leader of Taliban forces fell when he tried to regroup in a different world, however the allied forces always had the upper hand until the final days of conflict where they thought all was won they decided to leave the battlefield giving the Taliban one last chance to regroup in a different fight location, once the Taliban forces heard the alliance was depleted, tired from returning they decided to hop worlds, first they over came spiders hill, then RDG was cleared of any alliance forces, they currently have pushed into GDZ which was the last location to fall under Taliban rule, the Afghanistan leader who the alliance put in charge of the shit hole country has hopped world leaving his duties and his comrades behind.

Taliban starting: 150 opts




Allied Forces starting: 399 opts




Taliban ending: 180 opts



Sending my thoughts and prayers to all those who perished in the fight against evil.

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